
Natalie Peters is a vocalist with focus on improvised music. Beyond that, she also works interdisciplinary in the area of tperformance and poetry.
Natalie had musical education from an early age on. As a child she was a passionate piano player. But she started her career as an actress for theatre and experimental cinema. In 1998 she moved to Berlin. In Germany’s capital, she experienced first touch points with improvised music, which evolved to become the main inspiration for her daily work. Subsequently, she developed performances with musicians, first using her own writings, but shortly afterwards she explored the power of the human voice in her authentic and very personal expression.
Working with the own body has always been the base element for Natalie to stabilize and to foster her approach to a fresh and creative use of the personal voice as an instrument. Consequently, she intensified her passion and got graduated at the Feldenkrais Institute in Heidelberg in 2014.
Natalie is largely self-taught. Since coming into contact with art at a young age, she has worked and performed in public. Her interest in developing potential and human creativity continues to fuel her development and questions until today.

She has worked with Barre Phillips, Paul Lowens, Sebi Tramontana, Luca Pissavini, Guillaume Gargaut, Sara Käser, Sebastian Strinning, Jacek Chmiel, Yara Li Mennel but also with artists such as Gianni Motti, the poets Ginka Steinwachs and Heike Fiedler and the Butoh dancers Gyohai Zaitsu and Flavia Ghisalberti.

She initiated Carovana091 and curates the music series Frequenze Libere.
Natalie Peters


 Natalie Peters is a vocalist with focus on improvised music. Beyond that, she also works interdisciplinary in the area of theatre and poetry.


Partial recording of “Spiel mir das Flieht” Live Performance in Winterthur
premiered in December 2023. Together with Sara Käser at the Violoncello
freely improvised music.

Followers Across YouTube, Facebook And Instagram.

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My Gallery

Impressions of from Live acts.