Rhein-Neckar Zeitung Rezension
Ihre Klänge sprengten die Hörgewohnheiten
Irritierend und faszinierend: Außergewöhnlicher Auftritt von Natalie Peters und Sara Käser im Blauen Flügel.
Von Berthold Jürriens
Ihre Klänge sprengten die Hörgewohnheiten
Irritierend und faszinierend: Außergewöhnlicher Auftritt von Natalie Peters und Sara Käser im Blauen Flügel.
Von Berthold Jürriens
Tourdaten Spiel mir das Flieht
Catacryptico All music © by Sebastian Strinning, Natalie Peters,Yara Li Mennel and Jacek Chmiel (SUISA) Recorded by Jacek Chmiel at Spazio Panelle Locarno in summer 2022Mixed and mastered by Jacek Chmiel in Locarno in Fall 2022 Graphics and layout by Davide Lorenzon Rezension (auf IT) https://salt-peanuts.eu/record/sync/ SYNC “Catacryptico” AUT RECORDS, AUT110 Salt peanuts* è uno dei pochi forum…
https://orynx-improvandsounds.blogspot.com/2025/01/ulf-mengersen-lina-allemand-kamil.html Translation: Trombonist Sebi Tramontana likes to vocalise joyfully into his trombone, and his sound derives from relaxed swing jazz, which he distends and explodes with blowing effects, playful glissandi and high notes, colloquial noises as warm as Roswell Rudd or Nick Evans . Ideal for this duet with an expressive, wild and daring vocalist like…
Hello my friends! Here you can find an interview of Sara Käser and me. It was a great Radio session with ArchiRadio before we played for the Archipel Festival Genève. Thanks to Denis Schuler and his team and to all the attend listener. It was wonderfull to spend time with you. Foto by Heike Fiedler.
LUNGO IL FIUME performance Jam happening 14 Agosto ore 12:00 : Pranzo di incontro 15 Agosto dalle 18:00 : Happening: PERFORMANCE JAM SESSION Dove: CASA STANATA– via valle maggia 59, Locarno Questo invito è rivolto ad artisti dell’arte della performance in Ticino e oltre Gottardo. Sarà un momento per conoscerci e condividere la nostra presenza creativa. Il…
Portrait in der Tessin Zeitung